Welcome To My Site
Hello, my name is Thomas and this is my portfolio website. I am a multimedia designer currently living in Potchefstrooom where I work as a part-time lecturer's assistant at MGI Graduate Institute. I also work part-time at a local print shop and do freelance design for local businesses.
I studied BA Graphic Design at MGI Graduate Institute, specialising in Multimedia Design in my third year, and graduated in 2014. In 2013, my second year, with the help of my lecturer, I won a Student Silver Loerie for my entry in Environmental and Package design. The project was titled Nagmaal and is includend here in my portfolio here.
My work as a lecturer's assistant means that I am responsible for presenting classes when the lecturer is not there. This means that I have to provide help and advice where it is needed and therefore I need a firm understanding of how the various softwares work. It has also left me with newfound respect for lecturers everywhere.
Working at the local print shop has been very insightfull as to the actual work that goes into printing. It has also tought me to work under pressure, especially on monday mornings, twenty minutes before opening time at half past eight, when all sixty of the fourth year Engineering students burst through the door to print and bind their one-hundred-and-seventy page final year projects so that they can hand it in at nine o'clock. Which is a hard thing to do when it is just you and a two-hundred year old house elf on duty.
Though I was born in South Africa, I grew up in Namibia. The first few years of my life I spent on a farm just far enough removed from society so that you could still pick up a cellphone signal if you climbed the highest tree on the highest dune and stretched you arm out above your head as far as you could while facing due South. Most of my time on the farm was spent digging sand out of my ears, falling off horses and making a significant dent in the ground squirrel population.
Eventually we moved to a town that was just big and well situated enough to justify having a school and general store. Locals and nearby farmers were very social and would often nod at each other every Friday when everyone went to the general store, some would even stop to talk about how nothing really changed since last the Friday. I spent most of my times here trying to avoid having to play rugby, nursing hockey injuries, complaining about Geography and glaring menacingly at ground squirrels.
After gaduating from highschool, I took a gap year and worked at the school as a part-time teacher. This meant that I still did the same things as the years before, only now people called me "Sir".